The prices unfortunately are much higher for the coveted handbags than I had hoped, so I'll probably be waiting for a sale to combine it with an extra discount and taking my chances that the bag I want won't sell out. I'm also a bit disappointed to read that the handbags are faux leather, I know I shouldn't expect real leather versions from a designer collab, but honestly you can find quality leather bags at these prices pretty much everywhere.
At least they do have smaller accessories for under $30 and cute bag charms, clothing is also available, but I'm focused on the handbags this time around.
What are your thoughts about the faux leather bags at these prices - will you get anything?
SHOP the Clutch Crossbody $59
SHOP RK40 Tote $69
SHOP the entire REED Collection including clothing here
Photo of Reed Krakoff's 'Boxer' handbag from his own collection,
his designs for Kohl's are nearly identical to the iconic leather bags!
Beyoncé's New Activewear Ivy Park launched today at Nordstrom & Net-A-Porter
and no surprise it's already selling out!
Luckily Topshop has more of the collection still available to order plus Free Shipping!
and no surprise it's already selling out!
Luckily Topshop has more of the collection still available to order plus Free Shipping!
Shop Ivy Park below for under $50 items:
Click on any store or link to shop
Anthropologie Extra 40% off sale here discount shown in cart
Banana Republic Extra 40% off sale discount automatically taken at checkout
Express Extra 30% off sale
Forever 21 Sale styles up to 50% off here + Free Shipping on orders $30+
Gap 35% off your order with code NOW
H&M Free Shipping on ALL orders with code 3391 thru 4/17
J.Crew $25 off $100 or $75 off $200 with code SHOPNOW
Kohl's 20% off orders $50+ with code STILLTIME or 15% off orders under $50 with code BUYNOW // Extra 20% off Gold Star Clearance here *items shown reflecting additional discount
Madewell Extra 30% off sale styles here
Nordstrom Shop beauty sale items price matched here
Old Navy 30% off + Free Shipping on orders $25+ with code SAVESHIP
Thanks for reading!!
Wow thanks for the heads up - the Reed Krakoff collection is pretty cute. I'll have to check it out :)
You'll have to let me know what you think! Everything looks really cute, I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint in store :)